Cerclage (tracheloplasty)
A surgical method for closing an incompetent cervix during pregnancy to prevent premature delivery. A stitch is placed around the cervix, or opening between the uterus and vaginal tract, to keep it closed during pregnancy. This is only needed in cases where a woman has a diagnosis of cervical incompetence.
- A McDonald cerclage, described in 1957 is the most common, and is essentially a pursestring stitch used to cinch the cervix shut; the cervix stitching involves a band of suture at the upper part of the cervix while the lower part has already started to efface. This cerclage is usually placed between 12 weeks and 24 weeks of pregnancy. The stitch is generally removed around the 37th week of gestation.
Thursday I'll be going in for an elective cerlclage. The picture above illustrates what will be going on. I plan to lay low this weekend and relax and catch up on some movies.
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