Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Thursday, December 15, 2011

9 weeks

How Far Along: 9 weeks

How big are they: Your new residents are nearly an inch long — about the size of a grape — and weigh just a fraction of an ounce each.
Maternity Clothes: Regular clothes for the most part. I did order some more "comfty" pants for this in between time...

Weight Gain: none I'm at the same weight I was just before IVF

Belly: Fuller in my lower abs. This have been aching I would suppose due to growth...

Stretch Marks: Just the ones I've always had.

Sleep: So sleepy last night I fell asleep in the car on the way home from the Dr. at 6pm and pretty much slept until 6 this morning...and I could go back to sleep now.

Best Moment of the Week: Seeing the little critters strong heart beats with Todd.

Movement: Nothing yet

Symptoms: Mornings are rough till I eat something. Lately it's been lucky charms. I know not exactly health food...

Food Cravings: Fruit is still so yummy. I'm still liking the Mexican stuff too.

Gender:We will find out this time. I'm still thinking 2 girls.

What I Miss: I'm still missing Eleanna it's hard not to think that I would be home on maternity leave with her if things had gone according to plan. We love her so much and know that she's somewhere much more awesome than here.

What I'm Looking Forward to: I can't wait to be out of the first trimester and have the circlage done.

Weekly Wisdom: Things can wait...don't let the messy house drive you too crazy.

Milestones: Seeing them grow to look more and more like tiny babies.

Emotions: Still a bit sad that I have to so this all over again, but so excited it's twins and they are doing well.

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