The boys will be 4 months old on the 10th.
Holy cow! Somedays it seems like yesterday other times it seems like years...
I looked through my calendar from last year. We are just about to the point where we were starting the cycle resulted in Parker and Jesse last year. Their embryo transfer was on Halloween...crazy...
Parker if I had to guess is knocking on the door of 10lbs. He is wearing 0-3 month clothes. We just put away the newborn stuff last week for him. He still is having issues with refulx and we had to put him on Axid. We also put a tsp of rice cereal in his bottles. Sometime it seems to help other times he just seems to yak everything up and cry...
Parker has been making lots more "cute baby noises". He also smiles more too. His umbilical hernia is getting much smaller. I am hoping that it is gone before his 1st birthday. Parker is such a snuggler he loves to have his blankie righ up by his face. He has also found his thumb from time to time, which mostly results in him having slimey hands... Parker sleeps through the night which is awesome. We start getting ready for bed about 8pm. Usually, he's in bed asleep till 5am. Sometimes we even have to wake him up to get ready to go to Kristina's.
Jesse if I had to guess is somewhere between 10 and 11lbs. He's been wearing 0-3 month clothes for a couple of weeks now. He's such a happy boy. He hardly ever spits up. He seems to sometimes need help in the #2 department and then all is right with his world.
Jesse is the favorite of the other kids at the babysitters...because he's so happy and less likely to spit up. He has been smiling for a while and now will giggle when you tickle his belly. cute... He fights sleep something fierce. Watch out when he's over tired... It seems that nothing will make him happy then... Jesse is also sleeping though the night on Parker's same schedule. He's also pretty much given up the pacifier...most of the time he just spits it out.
We just started the process of totally weaning them off the caffeine and monitors. Hopefully we will be off all of those by October... I feel so lucky that they are good sleepers at night. It definitely helps with out sanity. They both also love to be outside...when it's been not too hot I love taking them out in the stroller. We even went to a parade a couple of weeks ago.