Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

Too much of a good thing?

We made a whorl wind trip up to Madison this morning for blood work (estradiol) & an US to check on how things were progressing.

Good news, I have lots of follicles. The largest ones measuring at 10. Bad news, I am now I risk for over stimulation. I have yet to hear on the adjustments for my medication. I will for sure be taking a smaller doses and may not have to take both medications. Till then I am to drink 10 to 12 glasses of fluid and to make sure that I am also drinking electro lights ie. Gatorade etc. I am also supposed to weigh my self each morning and night to make sure I don't gain more than 5 lbs overnight.

So, we'll see what the rest of the week brings it's possible that the retrieval will be sooner than later.

***update. Follistim reduced to 100 IU. Back up to Madison Wednesday morning. ***

Friday, February 25, 2011

Three shots...not so bad...

Last night I had to do the additional 2 shots for the day.

Not too bad. I can't have Todd watch... Wednesday when we went up for the baseline I knew I would have to give my self the shot in the car before we went in that morning... I was mustering up my courage to give my self the Lupron and he starts laughing at me... I proceeded to call him a Jack A$$ and went ahead with the shot. So, last night I prepping all the meds he's sitting at the counter... I'm like are you going to watch? He say "What do you not want me to..." I'm like aren't

I did the 2 evening shots no problems. I must be pretty ok at giving them I don't have many bruises.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Medication for my medications...

So, now that I am 3 weeks in the thick of this whole process I have to say that this RX process is the worst part of it all. I'd gladly take 6 more shots a day not to have to deal with the pharmacy :P

It was 30 minutes before the pharmacy closes for the day I was still trying to get my Luveris ordered and shipped to me TODAY. I don't think that they full appreciated that I NEEDED it for TODAY! In the end I have it coming today and it's OK, but seriously I don't need this stress.

I'm just going to keep praying that this is all I need, and I don't have to deal with them again.

Sometimes I think I may need another RX for anti anxiety meds due to the issues with getting the Rx.
Tonight I start the Follistim & Luveris we are on our way. I'm not sure yet how many follicles they are seeing yet. I'll keep you posted. My next US and blood work is Monday. Till then the shots will keep going...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I had the baseline US today. Everything looked as it should.

They did make some changes in my medication. I will be taking more Follistim than originally planned and they are adding Luveris to my shot list. If you're counting I'll be taking 3 shots starting tomorrow. Fun stuff.

Here I thought my saga with the pharmacy was over. But, now I'm here hoping that it all goes through ok so I can get this additional med. I am SO grateful that insurance covers the meds, but customer service there is poor at best.

So, we'll see how that all turns out. I'm sure it will be fine it seems to have a way of being ok in the end...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

You'll always have enough...

Matthew 14:20 (The Message)

18-21Jesus said, "Bring them here." Then he had the people sit on the grass. He took the five loaves and two fish, lifted his face to heaven in prayer, blessed, broke, and gave the bread to the disciples. The disciples then gave the food to the congregation. They all ate their fill. They gathered twelve baskets of leftovers. About five thousand were fed.

Last night I was called to remember that God provides "our daily bread" and no matter how little you have he will make every thing you need possible. When you need it. Which is the hard part. You may think you need...right now..., but our plans/ timing is most certainly second fiddle to what God has in store for me and you...

This is so true for Todd and I. When we were told about a year ago that IVF was really our only chance at having a biological child from the both of us. I knew that we did not have the funds in our bank account to afford such an expensive treatment...months went thought about our options, like asking our family for a loan, restructuring our debts, and finally Todd talked with his work about cashing in vacation time.

I have to think that I may not have had my whole heart into stabbing my self each day with needles and having my "you know what's" examined, prodded, etc. had I not had all this heartache. It's the heartache that made me listen to God's calling out to me get to will help you'll feel better while you are waiting... It's the heartache that has drawn me close to many others both in my "real" life and online that are going or have gone through the same struggles. It's because of this...I hope that I've been a positive influence on others...

After all of this... things have come together, we were able to restructure our debts & cash in some of Todd's vacation time. I can only imagine that God had his hand in all of this. After 4 years of being on this journey I finally feel like my "old self".

Even if this cycle does not work out I know that we have other options. Not that they will be easy. But there are options.

Given our odds for success by our Dr. and how this all came to be... I can only hope that we will get a BFP in a month and we will be starting a new chapter of Pregnancy and Parenthood.

Friday, February 11, 2011

One shot down...

gave my self my first Lupron shot this morning. Not too bad. The shot didn't actually hurt at all.

The injection site kind of burns and itches now...not anything more than a bug bite.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

let the stabbing begin...

My Lupron arrived!

Tomorrow I will do my first shot...

I'll try to post a picture of the meds and such for posterity...after all this trouble to get to this point.

I might as well document it. Right?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Of course nothing can ever be simple...

This time last week my part of the world was covered in LOTS of snow...

Crazy amounts of snow...

My Meds were to be ordered that day...needless to say that put some things back a bit. Monday we went Madison to learn how to give my self shots and Todd had to learn about the shots he would be giving me as well... I think that he is going to enjoy this a bit much :) probably payback for the times a have hit, scratched, etc. in my

We also had to see the seems that over the last 5 years we have pretty much talked about all the tings she mentioned...

Then later Monday I found out that the place where I required by insurance to order my meds from had no Lupron (which is the first one I have to take) I spent all afternoon Monday call the insurance company, Dr.'s office and pharmacy to find out what I could do about it... It finally came down to I would have to order this med from somewhere else and hope that all my calls would help me get reimbursed for it.

God must have been listing to the prayers going up for me... the original company called me from a different location in NJ and they were able to get me the Lupron. I'm still waiting for it to arrive which is a bit unnerving...but, it will get here on Thursday. It has to...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On our way...

Friday I went back up to Madison for and US to see if my lining slimmed down and that all was quiet in there...

All looked good and I was told by the IVF nurse yesterday that the ultrasound also showed that I have "awesome ovaries" will not require as much medication. Which in turn means less $. I have managed to meet my deductible and then some in January, so we will be ordering my meds later this week, and I be starting with the lupron on Feb 11th. My baseline US will be Feb 23rd and I will start stimming (with FSH) on the 24th. The first week of March I'll be heading to Madison pretty much each day until the retrieval sometime around March 7th. Depending on the retrieval date the transfer would then be the 10th or 11th. The Beta testing will be on March 22nd or so.

Which if you are keeping track of this...the EDD would be November 28th if all goes according to plan...

I have to say that this all is getting pretty exciting...It's getting harder not to get my hopes up too much in all of this, but after all we have done to get to this point it's good to see it all coming together... And honestly either way I feel so blessed to even be able to try this... Not to say that I won't be disappointed if it is a bust...